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Our People   |   ‘Otomis Famori (Rotuma)

The committed team at Uptempo works alongside partner organisations to develop initiatives and showcase how we can achieve better outcomes for Pasifika communities.

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Our Team

The diversity of our team ensures we bring a wide representation of Pasifika communities to all of our work. This enables us to better engage with 'aiga and our key partners to enable workforce-wide changes and deliver clear pathways to highly paid jobs.

To close the income gap for Pasifika we help create culturally responsive workplaces by piloting projects and showcasing the solutions that create wide-ranging systemic change.

Our team takes a whole of family approach to workforce progression to enable ‘aiga to live their Pacific values and have the freedom to dream big.

Our Team
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Our Partners

Uptempo’s focus is to provide learnings and insights into how Pasifika-led, workforce innovations can create the solutions needed for Pasifika people to grow and thrive.

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Our Partners

Partnering with the New Zealand Government, Uptempo’s focus is to provide learnings and insights into how Pasifika-led, workforce innovations can create the solutions needed for Pasifika people to grow and thrive.


Uptempo is powered by The Southern Initiative (TSI), a social innovation unit nested within Auckland Council and alongside, The Fono and First Union.


Our work to date has trialed recommendations from TSI, Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and the Auckland Co-design Lab’s Pacific People’s Workforce Challenge. The Pacific People's workforce report brought $22 million dollars of COVID Recovery budget to Auckland and the Alo Vaka programme was established. Alo Vaka is delivered by Tātaki Auckland Unlimted,The Cause Collective and TSI.


Uptempo is funded by MBIE and The Peter McKenzie Project.

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Auckland Council, Level 7, Manukau Civic

31-33 Manukau Station Road, Manukau,

Auckland, New Zealand 2104

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